Halvor Bodin

Ingeborg Stana
Landscape, Painting

The book Ingeborg Stana Landscape, Painting is by far the most comprehensive presentation of Ingeborg Stana´s artwork.

The book is a 240 page illustrated monograph. Through texts in Norwegian and English by the art historian Jørgen Bakke, the authors Erlend Loe, John Erik Riley, Nikolaj Frobenius and philosopher Espen Hammer, the book provides various introductions to the understanding of the artist's work. The book is published at Uten Tittel AS, by editor Marcus Bøhn.

Forside/Front cover:
Cloudscape I, 2017
50 x 50 cm, Olje på lerret/Oil on canvas

Bakside/Back cover:
Cloudscape III, 2017
50 x 50 cm, Olje på lerret/Oil on canvas

Redaktør/Editor: Marcus Bøhn
Tekstredaktør/Text Editor: Nikolaj Frobenius

Tekster/Texts: Jørgen Bakke, Nikolaj Frobenius,
Espen Hammer, Erlend Loe,
John Erik Riley og Ingeborg Stana

Ingeborg Stana
Uten Tittel  
25 x 30 cm
240 pages

Design: Halvor Bodin
Papir/Paper: Arctic Matt 150 g/m2,
Munken Kristall Rough 150 g/m2
Typografi/Typography: SangBleu (Swiss Typefaces)
Trykk/Print: GöteborgsTryckeriet
Repro: JK Morris Production/Halvor Bodin

ISBN 978-82-93502-27-2

Opphavsrett til verk av Ingeborg Stana/
Copyright of works by Ingeborg Stana:
© Ingeborg Stana/BONO 2019

© Forfatterne/The Authors/Uten Tittel

Jens Hamran
Halvard Haugerud
Jarle Lindstrøm
Bjørn Wad

At the exhibition opening/book release photographer Sandra Jensen dressed accordingly in matching colours.

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© Halvor Bodin